Where to SweeShi


SweeShi is available anywhere that has a freezer, at home, by friends, at work, etc...

  • Having a meal with friends and you are in charge of the dessert? Be unique, bring SweeShi in a variety of flavors and surprise everyone!
  • Are you going to meet your partner's parents for the first time and don't want to arrive empty-handed? Come with SweeShi and they'll love you right away!
  • Celebrating a birthday and want sweets in a variety of flavors? SweeShi is the perfect solution that everyone will enjoy.
  • Farewell party for someone at work? With SweeShi wish them success in the future in the sweetest way possible.
  • Celebrating a new year? celebrate it with SweeShi for a sweet year.
  • SweeShi is the perfect dessert for any occasion thanks to it’s variety, uniqueness and portion, but not just that.
  • SweeShi at work is a sweet bite after lunch to continue the work day with a smile.
  • SweeShi is a perfect snack even at home, after a long day, or just on a day of rest.

SweeShi is suitable for any place, any occasion and for everyone, children and adults.

